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Education – Environment – Expeditions

With the complementary experiences of Marion (12 years as humanitarian aid worker) and Erwan -(20 years as mountain guide and skipper), Maewan aims to re-position Man at the centre of nature and his environment.

Nowadays, we think it is imperative to link education and environmental protection.

At each stopover, Maewan brings together a team with complementary skills to connect with the host community through projects based on one universal language: sport.

Makatea, a project that reflects Maewan

Makatea is an island in the Pacific sea devastated by sixty years of phosphate extraction. As the mining stops, the four-thousand residents abandon the island. Only fifty decide to stay on their atoll with a glimpse of hope left.

We encounter the residents and explore together the island to evaluate the potential of their environment. Afterward, we carry out an assessment.

With the framework of the educational program carried out by Maewan with the children, we unite the local population in pursuing an ecotourism project. Together, we bolt four climbing crags, a Via Ferrata and a Tyrolienne. We hold safety and technical training, and finally organise a sporting event with over 300 Polynesian participants to share the island’s incredible potential.

Today, the residents have a new reason to live on their island. They manage the attractions and regularly host visitors on their island.

A nomad laboratory

Can a sporting adventure be a vector of values and citizen action?

The sailboat represents a micro-earth system and thus sheds light on the relations between nature and human societies. Because of the weather conditions endured, the educational projects carried out, but also because of the limited natural and human resources on board (energy, water, food, equipment, waste management, limited space, and comfort), the sailboat is an ideal research platform.

In particular, in 2016, we have carried out the study “IMPROVE YOUR WAY” with our partner Mobility (a subsidiary of de Vince Energie), and ULTRA Sport Science to study the psycho-social risks in business in two scenarios: team Maewan and Mobility’s employees

Result : -> Un livre blanc, support de nos conférences.

-> Videoof the programme realised with Mobility     -> Find out more about Ultra Sports Science



Partnerships with local organisations

Maximising impact rather than duplicating action

->The beneficiaries are involved in every phase of the project cycle (assessment, development, follow-up, evaluation).

Quality, efficiency and impact


Beneficiaries’s satisfaction is measured through questionnaires and interviews

Quaterly follow-up

result indicators 


of good practices, lessons learnt, and recommendations 

Respect for humanitarian standards

Maewan integrates the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) for quality and admissibility at all stages of the programs that it carries out, from conception to follow-up and evaluation, adapting the standards to the potential crisis arising in its operational context.

The CHS comprises the key points of existing humanitarian treaties, including the Red Cross/Crescent’ Code of Conduct for NGOs, the essential standards of Sphère manual, the HAP norms, People in Aid’s Good Practice Code and the COMPAS quality method of the URD Group.